What dialect is found in Ojibwemodaa?

The dialect is generally southwestern Ojibwe and most movies are inter-dialect, meaning various reservations and communities with mutually intelligible dialects are represented. The place and dialect is noted for each speaker in the credits.

Is there support available for installing or using the software?

Transparent Language provides technical support for Ojibwemodaa: http://www.transparent.com/techsupp/index.htm

Why can't I share my software with others?

Our licensing agreement with Transparent Language requires a license (a software purchase) for each computer on which Ojibwemodaa is installed. This is a standard practice in the software industry.

Grassroots Indigenous Multimedia is a small nonprofit organization with a volunteer director and volunteer board of directors. Proceeds from the sale of Ojibwemodaa software entirely support the production of new language learning products, including paying native speakers, video production, translation, and printing. We appreciate your support.